Extended Learning Programs

HCSS offers two extended learning programs. Both programs offer free academic and social emotional learning services including tutoring, homework assistance, enrichment activities, snack, and physical activities to help students meet the state's challenging academic standards as well as to learn positive personal and social skills.

1. Kid's Corner is offered free of charge for grades K-8 at D & N Harrelson Elementary School, Henry Elementary School, and Lakewood Elementary and Middle Schools. Please see the Kid's Corner Parent and Guardian Handbook for more information. KId's Corner is funded through the Lottery Education for Afterschool Program grant (LEAPs) and runs on a 3-year grant cycle.

2. Patriot XL or PXL is offered free of charge for grades 9-12 at E. W. Grove and Henry County HIgh Schools. PXL is funded through the 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) grant and runs on a 3-5 year cycle. Please see the information listed below for more details.

The Tennessee Department of Education has more information on their website